Where To “Apply” The SCENAR? (Discussion)

Tarakanov A., Tarakanova G., Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Anyone who ever worked with SCENAR knows that the effect of the neuroadaptive regulator in many cases does not depend on the person who conducts the treatment and on the area of influence. That is why the device attracts a lot of people not connected with medicine but who feel an inner desire and necessity to heal. But as a rule real successes can be achieved by those who really understand the course of the disease, what the patient might expect etc.

At the beginning of their practice, many SCENAR therapists think that through knowing some “miracle” methodics they would be able to manage most of the diseases. And as the publications show there is aways a positive but not an equal result. We will try to present what happens during the SCENAR treatment.

1. A holonomic and holographic principle for explanation of the nature of the Universe and the Human being.

-Denis Gabor (1964) developed an original technique of volume photography. The basic postulates of holography.

-In accordance with the concept of the physicist David Bom, the surrounding world is structured on the principle of the hologram: every existing object “is included in each of its components”.
-Beckenstein: every piece of information, which is contained in any region of the space, can be represented as some hologram – i.e. everything, which is contained within, can be described on the walls (analogy – viscera and skin).

-The holographic principle of reflecting the properties of the entity in the little.

-K. Sudakov – the holographic principle and the functional systems of the body.

-The holographic principle leads to doubling over the surface of the body the image of the whole body (zones of treatment: corporal, auricular, cranial, the area of the nose, palms, soles, spinal column, tongue…).


-Micro-, mini- and macroacupunctual systems (Su-Jock therapy), which are also used in the SCENAR therapy, are organized on the holographic principle.

-Following the holographic principle, it leads to: “Whereever you put the SCENAR you will always achieve an effect”. But what kind of effect? Does the patient need it? How can we optimize and predict it ?

2. The body as an open system

-The skin takes on itself the external influences, reacts to them and it is connected, directly and indirectly, with the viscera through the brain. The skin and the nervous system have got one and the same origin – the ectoderm.

-The viscera have got representative zones on the surface of the body, which reflect their internal condition.

-The mechanism of the somatic-visceral and visceral-somatic relations appears to be a universal apparatus for training and correction of the different physiological conditions of the body as a whole. This is the probable mechanism of adaptation.

-The doctrine of acupoints (SU?) and acuchannels (Tzin-lo) - empiric observations of the afferent visceral reflection on the body surface. The channels – mediators between the environment and the inside world.

-The uniqueness of the system of covers/ channels/ viscera is in that it reflects the inside world and at the same time is a place for influence on the viscera.

-Probably they are connected with somatic-visceral and visceral-somatic regulation and interact with one another with the help of the known mechanisms: neuro-physiological, neuro-chemical, neuro-humoral, electrical…

-The external influences through the receptor apparatus and the deeper formations (also receptors) are united biologically with the active points and channels in a common energetic circle of the bogy.

-System of the chakras – energetic doorways of organism


-The acupoints and channels – reflection of “somatic homologues” of the visceral afferent systems; influencing the “somatic homologues” by SCENAR and other traditional methods we contribute to the regulation directly or through CNS of the viscera.

-The SCENAR works on the biologically active points and the surrounding tissues (it is a zonal device).

3. The gnoseological fundamentals of SCENAR therapy -

-They are similar to the gnoseological foundamentals of the methodology of classic acupuncture.

-Integration of the ancient east and contemporary (west) technologies.

-The philosophic concepts and theoretical principles YIN-YANG, U-SIN, QI.

-Rules: “mother-son”, “man-woman”, “noon-midnight”, “brother-sister”, “host-guest”.

-Key question: choosing a recipe of treatment (method) – this is a choice of zones, containing biologically active points (diagnostic method: Voll, Akabane, Nakatini etc.).

-Treatment strategy – an influence on the cause of the disease.


-The sanogenic influence of SCENAR therapy on the human body and animals is based on the general principles for the organization of matter.

-The methodical approaches of SCENAR therapy have to be based on the ancient east/ oriental medical notions and concepts.

-The explanation of the action mechanisms of SCENAR from the point of view of the contemporary knowledge – a main task of the scientists for the rapid integration of this kind of traditional healing into contemporary medicine.