The Professor Alexander Revenko Interview

PAR = Professor Alexander Revenko.
ISTA: What motivated you to take up SCENAR? What is your vision for this therapy?
PAR: SCENAR is my life, my deal on this planet, my destiny. If Scenar and I had not met, and had it not been in my life, I would have had no motivation. SCENAR is a part of the Universe; it seems to be allied to life itself. We are this living pulsing organism, which constantly strives, dreams, plans, but IT constantly surprises you, breaks your expectations and stereotypes. With Scenar therapy you may have planned something, a treatment plan, and you await a definite outcome, but with each patient you in fact begin with a clean sheet - and there is motion, progress, dynamic.
ISTA: As you are aware, there are now a multitude of organisations offering a range of SCENAR devices. How can we differentiate between genuine and non-genuine ones?
PAR: Very simply - all this has been done by Aubrey Scoon (UK), who has taken the Russian SCENAR-patent and has compared the features of the instrument on an oscilloscope with that declared in the patent. And this was also done by one of the main designers of SCENAR - 97 and NT, Dr Misha Unakafov, at the International Conference in Bulgaria in 2003 . Both studies have shown the difference between Fenzian and SCENAR on the oscilloscope. And this difference was further proven by A.A.N., principal physician at the preventive sanatorium in Ekaterinburg (he previously presented comparative results of similar treatments on similar patients using both SCENAR and DENAS).
ISTA: As you are painfully aware, the internationalisation of SCENAR has been accompanied by a lot of rivalry and many claims and counterclaims; the common denominator appears to have been an urgency to make money. How do you feel about this?
PAR: It is my philosophical belief that throughout time people have been divided into 2 categories - one half is motivated by skimming the cream from the milk and smooth talking in order to achieve things, the other half is concerned with reality, professionalism, truth and action. Each fulfils its specific mission on earth; although opposites, the makers of the money are needed to support the progress of the professional and practical people. Certain is that in the final analysis all eventually become subsumed by history. For makers of money, there exists the instinct of self-justification, justification for their foolish, meaningless and mercenary actions; but a thousand years from now some physician will read the history of Scenar Therapy and will find therein no more than one line about Nadtochy, Frost, Avakyan, Ryavkin and some others.
ISTA: The same diversity that exists amongst SCENAR manufacturers also permeates the training on offer for SCENAR users and practitioners. Most people who attend basic training courses never return for more training - and still claim successes when treating others. Sometimes the message is projected that the power of SCENAR can substitute training. What are your views on this?
PAR: A SCENAR therapist may successfully cure a patient with just Basic Level 1 training, and a Diag-0 setting; but consistent results will only be achieved by the deep understanding arising from constant revision and training. Instruction from manuals only, cannot replace training and does not promote development of effectiveness. Those who wholly work in Diag-0, or, on instructions, in automatic mode (which is presented by Alexander Karasev) may after 20 years practice become perfect and efficient. But in general, there has to the development of the therapist's own personality within the riverbed of SCENAR philosophy, laws and principles. It is necessary to drink water from a clean moving source, rather than from a standing pool.
ISTA: You mention skills-partnerships with SCENAR, have you found any disciplines to be particularly helpful alongside SCENAR? Are there any that may be considered contra-indicated? For example, a view seems to be forming that pure healing, through laying-on of hands, or remote sensing, interferes with SCENAR.
PAR: I am presently developing a deeper clarity on how to present that Scenar therapy is not electrotherapy with biofeedback, but the interaction of energy-information between two systems and intellects - the operator and the patient - requiring the active participation of the patient as well as the practitioner. In Russian scientific circles more and more work on tortion fields and thin energy is being published. For example, the Academician Fedotkin is preparing to publish a monograph on the mechanism of the influence of SCENAR on such a unique system as the human organism. Therefore, all disciplines that similarly work with energy-information influences and interact with the organism of the person - such as acupuncture, cranial osteopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda etc. (where the practitioner treats the patient with SCENAR and another complementary skills) this combination will help and intensify the effects and work towards correcting the complaints and problems of the patient. However, I am against reinforcement of the effect SCENAR where the speed-up comes about by using 'forcible' methods without participation of the patient, for example, by means of such methods as manual therapy, rough massage, medication, hormones, steroids, antibiotics, any form of anti-pain medication, heat, rhythms, lithium etc.).
ISTA: Is self-treatment possible? How, for instance, would you apply treatment to your spine?
PAR: Certainly possible, particularly when no other option is available in the moment (i.e. the person is alone); self-help under sharp trauma can be achieved. For example, I cured my back, using known basic principles of Scenar therapy, the reciprocal zones - on limbs or the frontal surface of the body.
ISTA: When SCENAR was introduced in England, the importance of the healing triangle (patient-device-practitioner) and its good interaction was emphasized. Is this still your view, and does the effect of this triangulation not get lost in self-treatment?
PAR: Yes. And, again in desperate situations, when no close friend or assistant is available to treat using SCENAR, then the fields happen to unite themselves, and patient and operator become one energy, and, although it is a truncated, weakened triangle, the connection is still there and will work, though, of course, it will be rather weaker than with the correct 3-way triangle.
ISTA: We have to acknowledge that there are many who have trained, sometimes at considerable expense, to become SCENAR practitioners, while others simply start using SCENAR devices. Does this matter, if they get results?
PAR: The application of Scenar therapy procedures promotes characteristic changes in the practitioner, besides developing his or her specific skills; this is not typical of other professions (included psychologists). The skilled SCENAR - therapist uses a number of methods, psychological, creative and on other levels. A continuous search for suitable methods awakens in SCENAR-therapists a deep need for the study of his or her interactions with patients. Good training is so much more than just learning about protocols.
ISTA: From some of your comments in this interview and previously, we get the impression that you welcome the formation of ISTA. Is this so, and why?
PAR: In our age, information is much valued above other goods. I believe the main function and asset of ISTA will be - RELIABLE information for all, patients and therapists - about SCENAR, its history, genuine instruments and copies, genuine inventors and researchers - truth and only truth. After all, the patient entrusts YOU with the most valuable thing, their life, soul, tranquillity and enjoyment of life. S/He, and only s/he, has the right of choice, s/he must know - whether it is a genuine SCENAR or a copy; whether a given therapist has progressed through all levels of Scenar training and education; whether he or she is constantly improving their own knowledge to extend the effectiveness of SCENAR therapy; whether a given teacher in Scenar therapy has been at the feet of the Master, been to the Source, or has just grabbed a little knowledge here and there and circulated it, without regard to morality and professional ethos.
ISTA: Thank you for your supportive words. We are sure that our members will have many questions arising from this interview and their experiences with SCENAR in general. Would you be willing to continue answering these (they will be filtered through this editorial office; in some instances, we shall ask some or all those who have given interviews, to provide their respective answer to the same question)?
PAR: Of course.