Historical Reference
SCENAR-therapy as a technology was born in Taganrog nearly 20 years ago. Originally the device was aimed to be used in the "Space Research Programme", but project was stopped at "perestroika time. The employers medical doctors and engineers of the firms OKB "Rhythm" Ltd and "BIOCORRECTION Ltd" were at the origin of this direction.
In 1986 the first SCENAR device, having passed technical and clinical trails, was permitted by USSR Medical Council for application in the clinic-policlinic institutions and at homes.
For the control of the conducted therapy, findings of the optimal skin zones and individualization of the action regimes, for the expertise and prognosis can be used reflexogenic -diagnostic set "Rista-EPD" (acupuncture diagnostics Nakatani, Folly, auricle diagnostic), computerized polygraphy (ECG, EEG and others).
At the present time OKB "Rhythm" Ltd produces series of the devices "SCENAR -035", "SCENAR 97", "SCENAR 97.4" and according to license 30-03/1007 from 27 December 1996, supplement No1, No2, TU 9444-010-05010925-97, TU9444-010-24225399-93 ) there are certificates of standard.
The device is protected with patent in Russia, USA and Japan for "the means for influence", for receiving biologically active impulses and for the device which realize them" (the patent owner OKB "Rhythm" Ltd).
The SCENAR device is capable of recognizing, preventing many health problems and restoring health.
"SCENAR" is a trademark (according to class - therapeutic device and apparatus, electro-stimulators), registered in the state list of trademarks in USSR from 23 October 1989.
The firms "BIOCORRECTION Ltd" and OKB "RHYTHM" Ltd closely co-operates with different medical institutions (department of "Non-drug methods of treatment and clinical physiology" in the I.M. Sechenev MMA - cor. member of AMS, Doctor of the Medical Science V.G.Zilov; laboratory for "Bioenergy and Reflexotherapy" CITO - Doctor of the Medical Science U.F.Kamenev; laboratory for "Biophysics of Cancer" in the Rostov Oncologic Institution - Doctor of Medical Science L.H.Garkavi, E.B.Kvakina and other departments of the institution in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Odessa), also with the Committee of New medical technology Medical Factory Russian Federation ( the chairman - Doctor of the Medical Science, Prof. T.I.Nosikova).
Four international conferences and 10 inter-regional seminars were held (Odessa, Ekaterinburg, S-Peterburg, N-Novgorod, Rostov-na-Donu) on SCENAR therapy and SCENAR-expertise.
Together with the Committee for New Medical Technology and the department for "Non-drug Methods of Treatment" were issued 4 compilations of "SCENAR-therapy, SCENAR-expertise (the editors are: T.I.Nosikova, G.V.Zilov, L.M.Kudaeva), where questions of therapy and practice of SCENAR-therapy were reflected.
From 1992 in the different regions of Russia and abroad 117 school-seminars on SCENAR were conducted.
For these years more then two thousands users were trained. Among trainees -managers of medical institutions (Head of the hospitals and Policlinics, Chiefs of the departments, etc.), medical doctors, nurses (including resuscitation doctors, surgeons, oncologists, neurologists, physiotherapists, pediatricians), scientists (candidates or doctors of science).